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Thursday, April 28, 2011


          Why should we take care of parents? Only because parents take care of us. Parents take care of us only because we are their children. Most of parents love their children more than love themselves. Nobody knows if children will love their parents just like parents love their children. In all, taking care of parents is not only good for our family but also good for our society.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Romantic Dinner

Romantic Dinner

                In order to celebrate the tenth years of our marriage, my husband and I decided to have a big dinner at night.
                We went to a restaurant near our home. When we were talking about our romantic love, we saw a “black” in our salad. My husband asked my dear what that was. I hoped it was not a fly. In fact, it was. It made my husband crazy. He said how we could image our romantic dinner with flees. he shouted and called the waiter. Then, the waiter came. The waiter said what wrong was. My husband asked him why he made salad with a fly. The waiter explained we could see flees everywhere because it was summer that time. My husband asked if we should eat them as we see flees every day. The waiter said if he knew a lot people couldn’t eat enough food even with fly. I tried to let me calm down.  I said to him it was a nice day for us. So he should take it easy. He didn’t listen to me. He stood up and said they ate fly, so the wait could also, you should eat the fly which we saw in salad. It made the waiter angry. He asked if my husband never made mistake. Then, The waiter through the apron on the flour and left. After the waiter left, my husband felt little bit frustrate. Our romantic dinner ended with embarrassing.
                However, after this event, my husband was more gentle than before when others had made a mistake.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

romantic dinner

                In order to celebrate the tenth years of our marriage, my husband and I decided to have a big dinner at night.
                We went to a restaurant near our home. When we were talking about our romantic love, we saw a “black” in our salad. My husband asked my dear what that was. I hoped it was not a fly. In fact, it was. It made my husband crazy. He said how we could image our romantic dinner with flees.  “Waiter, waiter” he shouted. Then, the waiter came. The waiter said what wrong was. My husband asked him why he made salad with a fly. The waiter explained we could see flees everywhere because it was summer that time. My husband asked if we should eat them as we see flees every day. The waiter said if he knew a lot people couldn’t eat enough food even with fly. I tried to let me calm down.  “gentleman, it is a nice day for us. Take it easy” I said. He didn’t listen to me. He stood up and said they ate fly, so the wait could also, you should eat the fly which we saw in salad. It made the waiter angry. He said if my husband always was perfect. Then, The waiter through the apron on the flour and left. After the waiter left, my husband felt little bit frustrate. Our romantic dinner ended with embarrassing.
                However, after this event, my husband was more gentle than before when others had made a mistake.

Monday, March 14, 2011

about me

     My name is Senhai Qu. I was born in China on July 1989. I have been here for almost one year. Now I have a part time job. Actually I don't like that job. Even though I worked hard ,I got a little paid.Someone asked me "Do you know Obama borrowed a lot of money from China ?So why did you come to America?"  Until now, I have no answer with this question.
      A lot of people said it is really diffcult to pronounce my last name "Qu". I can do it in Chinese, but can not do it in English. I heard some guys called me "Mr.  Q".
      English is a really diffcult language for me although I started learning it when I was 13 years old. Now, I have no others choices because I am in the USA. 

Sentence Types

2.Simple Sentence:(  S+V  )
3.Compound Sentence:(at least two independent caluses)
    Coordinating Conjunctions  :(for+and+nor+but+or+yet+so=FANBOYS)
4.Complex Sentence:(independent clause+one or more dependent clauses)
    Subordinating conjuctions:
      1.Time: when, before, after,until, since, as soon as
      2.Place:where, wherever
      3.Reason:because, as , since
      4.Purpose:so that
      5.Result: so...that
      6.Condition:if, unless
      7.Concession:although,even though
5.Transitional words: (used to connect two sentences)
      1.To add an idea: in addition, furthermore, moreover, also
      2.To show time or sequence:meanwhile, first, second, then, next, later , finally
      3.To contrast:however, nevertheless,though, in contrast, on the other hand
      4.To show result: therefore, thus, consequently, as a result
      5.To emphasize or expand: in fact, indeed, certainly
      6.To provide an example: for example, for instance
      7.To generalize or summarize: in general, in short
      8.To contradict: on the contrary