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Monday, March 14, 2011

Sentence Types

2.Simple Sentence:(  S+V  )
3.Compound Sentence:(at least two independent caluses)
    Coordinating Conjunctions  :(for+and+nor+but+or+yet+so=FANBOYS)
4.Complex Sentence:(independent clause+one or more dependent clauses)
    Subordinating conjuctions:
      1.Time: when, before, after,until, since, as soon as
      2.Place:where, wherever
      3.Reason:because, as , since
      4.Purpose:so that
      5.Result: so...that
      6.Condition:if, unless
      7.Concession:although,even though
5.Transitional words: (used to connect two sentences)
      1.To add an idea: in addition, furthermore, moreover, also
      2.To show time or sequence:meanwhile, first, second, then, next, later , finally
      3.To contrast:however, nevertheless,though, in contrast, on the other hand
      4.To show result: therefore, thus, consequently, as a result
      5.To emphasize or expand: in fact, indeed, certainly
      6.To provide an example: for example, for instance
      7.To generalize or summarize: in general, in short
      8.To contradict: on the contrary

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